Case 3:
Dog. This was a geriatric (12 y.o.) cattle dog. Euthanased
because of dehydration and weight loss consistent with renal insufficiency
Clinical signs:
The dog had been drinking more (polydipsic) and urinating more (polyuric)
for some time and had shown progressive weight loss over the past 2 months.
Urinalysis revealed isosthenuria (urine specific gravity equal to that
of blood plasma ie 1.008 -1.012) despite dehydration, proteinuria and
a high protein cast content in the urine. Blood plasma analysis revealed
increased urea nitrogen and creatinine levels.
Other information:
Animals use the kidneys to excrete electrolytes and other waste. The
ability to concentrate urine when the body is deprived of water is essential
to preserve life. Therefore isosthenuria and dehydration is incompatible
with life.