
Review Questions:

True or False:

1. Both erythroid and lymphoid cells in the bone marrow are derived from common stem cells

2. Extramedullary haematopoiesis that occurs under pathologic conditions is usually seen in the lung and skeletal muscle

3. The bone marrow of adult animals contains the precurssors of myeloid but not lymphoid cells

4. Reticulocytes are nucleated, immature red blood cells that are only rarely seen outside the bone marrow

5. Iron deficiency causes a hypochromic macrocytic anaemia

6. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is a maligant clonal proliferation of T-lymphocytes

7. Without aggressive ttreatment, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is rapidly fatal

8. Lymph nodes are rarely involved in metastaic neoplasia

9. The spleen is the site of production of T lymphocytes

10. Thymic neoplasia can arise in either the epithelial or lymphoid components of the thymus

11. Nodular hyperplasia, splenic haemangiosarcom and splenic haematoma can always be distinguished grossly.

12. After puberty the thymus undergoes complete atrophy and is no longer capable of producing T-lymphocytes.


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