
Case 2:


2 year old female goat, presented with intermittent scouring, weight loss, lethargy and inappetence.

Severely thickened mucosa – sections of ileum. Mucosa has a “corrugated” appearance with transverse folds, but is smooth and glistening.

Small Intestine (x400). Lamina propria – heavily infiltrated by large epithelioid macrophages (arrowheads)

Slide Ref: 1104/90 *



Small Intestine (x400). ZN stain: intracellular acid fast (red) organisms within macrophages

Slide Ref: 1104/90 *


Small Intestine (x1000). Acid fast bacteria within macrophages – lamina propria

Slide Ref: 1104/90 *


Johnes Disease:

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis = intracellular organism, and induces a severe, chronic granulomatous enterocolitis, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis in ruminants. Results in malabsorption and increased permeability (exudation) with protein losing enteropathy, diarrhoea and hypoproteinaemia which produces anasarca.


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