Case 3:
A 4 year old female boxer presented with a 2 week history
of hindlimb paresis of gradual onset over 2-3 days. She was initially
limping on the right hindlimb but then became incapable of standing. Urinary
and faecal incontinence developed soon afterwards and there was rapid
wasting of hindlimb musculature, especially over the right hind.
Neurological examination confirmed the presence of multifocal lower
neuron disease. Delayed sciatic nerve conduction and denervation potentials
in muscles supplied by the sciatic nerves were demonstrable, being worse
in the right hind than the left.
The bitch was treated with clindamycin for a 4-5 day period on suspicion
of a protozoal infection. There was no obvious improvement with therapy
and, with continuing clinical deterioration, a decision was made to euthanise.
This is a low power view
of a longitudinal section through the lumbar spinal cord showing
the dorsal white matter funiculi and central grey matter.
The blood vessels are more
prominent than normal due to perivascular cuffing and there is also
vacuolation of white matter.