
Case 5:


8 year old Throughbred mare. Episodic severe dyspnoea, marked expiratory effort, exercise intolerance and chronic productive coughing. No abnormalities on routine haematology and biochemistry. BAL cultures negative. At necropsy, scant mucopus in bronchial lumina and mucus casts in small airways. Poor collpase of the lungs, with zonal oedema and congestion. Patchy areas of subpleural fibrosis.


Allergic Lung Disease:

  • Allergic lung disease is well documented in cats, cattle , goats and horses, less well so in dogs. The disease is similar to human asthma, with exacerbations and remissions, often seasonally related.

  • Early lesions are bronchoconstriction, inflammation of the airways and severe dyspnoea.

  • With chronicity and ineffective treatment, airway remodelling, lung scarring and blocking of airways with mucopus occurs, and the epithelium may undergo goblet cell metaplasia.

Bronchiolar inflammation and obstruction. Gas trapping in the surrounding lung



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