
Case 5:


A small nodule present in the right caudal mammary gland of a Poodle bitch, aged 8 years.

Gross pathology:

The mass was well circumscribed, about 10 mm across, very form and had several irregular pearly white areas within it.

Appearance of normal involuted mammary tissue


Well circumscribed mixtures of cartilage and bone comprised most of the tumour




Small nest of glandular tissue buried in myoepithelial and stromal elements containing bone and cartilage. (cartilage not seen on this slide)

Mixed mammary tumours:

Benign mammary tumours comprise about 80% of all mammary tumours in dogs, and they are usually of the mixed type.

The epithelial component appears to arise form the ductular elements.

Stromal components contain variable amounts of cartilage, bone, fibrous tissue and myoepithelial tissue, the latter which may become myxomatous.

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