
Classification of Abnormalities:

1. Excessive division:

Polydactylia - extra toes

Polythelia - extra nipples

Polydontia - extra teeth

Polymastia - extra mammary glands


2. Failure to fuse normally:

Palatoschisis - cleft palate

Calf - cleft palate (palatoschisis)


Horse - food material at the nostril of a horse with cleft palate


Heiloshcisis - hair lip

Cranioschisis -skull is open

Spina bifida - fissure inspinal column


3. Arrested division:

Cyclopia - defect in development of frontal process

Rens arcuatas - horseshoe kidney

Syndactyly - fusion of bone of hands or feet

Failure to complete division of organs in twinning

Lamb - fused brains from a two headed lamb


4. Complete local failure of growth:

Amelia - absence of limbs

Acrassia - absence of cranial bones

Agnathia - absence of upper or lower jaw

Epitheliogenesis imperfecta - epithelium is absent, lesions may be focal or generalised.

Dog - focal epitheliogenesis imperfecta


5. Arrest of development of final form or position:

Ectopia cordis - heart outside pericardium or the thorax

Dextroposition of aorta


6. Persistence or disappearance of contiguous structures:

Usually follow a pattern.

  • aortic arches

  • foramen ovale

  • patent urachus

  • ductus arteriosis

  • persisting Mullerian ducts

Dog - persistent right 4th aortic arch (arrow)


7. Over development of local tissues:

Polycystic kidneys - due to a biochemical defect in tubular electrolyte pump which leads to buildup of fluid

Polycystic kidney

Hamartomas - inappropriate mixtures of tissue



8. Displacement of tissue:


Dermoid cyst


9. Fusion of sexual characteristics:

True hermaphrodite


Free martin - these are more common in pigs, goats and cattle


10. Persistence or disappearance of contiguous structures:

Porphyria - coloured bones, urine

Ichthyosis - hair follicles do not erupt

Ostoegenesis imperfecta - fragile bones perhaps due to osteoblastic defect


Genetic Causes
Environmental Causes
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