
Environmental Causes:

Four broad categories -

    1. Chemical agents

    2. Deficiencies

    3. Physical factor

    4. Infectious agents


1. Chemical agents:

a) Plant constituents:

Australian plants include:

hemlock or carrot fern (Cornium maeculata) – in calves, spinal curvature, limb rotation, arthrogryposis, cleft palate and hair lips

Wild tobacco (Nicatiana spp) and pituri (Duboisia lapwoodi) – in pigs, arthrogryposis

Horn apple (Datura spramonium) – in pigs causes arthrogryposis

b) Therapeutic substances:

Tetracycline, griseofulvin, parbendazole, corticosteriods

c) Trace elements:

Copper, manganese

d) Excess:

Oxygen, carbon dioxide, vitamins A and D


2. Deficiencies:

Usually nutritional

For example: Vitamins A, B, D

Iodine deficiency in pregnant animals can lead to congenital goitre

Lamb - congenital colloid goiter

3. Physical factors:

High environmental temperature – sufficient enough to raise core body temperature even a few degrees above normal can lead to severe foetal abnormalities especially if it occurs in early foetal development



4. Infectious agents:

Akabane virus

Blue tongue

Bovine viral diarrhoea, mucosal disease and hairy shaker disease in sheep (all the same virus)

Feline panleucopenia – can produce cerebellar hypoplasia

Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis

Akabane disease -

Occasionally occurs as an epidemic

Last epidemic – 1974. Many newborn calves and lambs affected and animals died soon after birth.

4 types of abnormalities occur:


Mild non-suppurative encephalomyelitis

Arthrogryposis (image next slide)

Hydranencephaly – both cerebral hemispheres replaced by fluid

Sheep - Arthrogryposis due to Akabane infection


Further Reading:

Noden and de Lahunta (1984). Embryology of domestic animals. Williams and Wilkins.

Lupold, HW, Dennis, SM and Huston, K (1972). Congenital defects of cattle: nature, cause and effect. Adv. Vet. Sci. composed 16: 103-150.

Jubb, KV, Kennedy PC and Palmer, N (1993). Pathology of domestic animals. Academic Press.

Seawright, AA (1982). Animal health in Australia, Vol 2, Chemical and plant poisons, Aust. Gov. Pub. Serv., Canberra

Nicholas, FW and Harper, PAW (1996). The occurrence of schistosomus reflexus in bovine dystokia. Aust. Vet. J. 73:22

McLennon, MW, Kelly, WR, Sutton, RH (1966). Eisenmenger complex in two calves. Aust. Vet. J. 73:22

Genetic Causes
Environmental Causes
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