Veterinary Pathology - Necrosis


Single Cell Necrosis:

This form of necrosis may appear histologically similar to apoptosis, but it is not a recognised preprogrammed cell death and there is not the ordered process of cell autodestruction and packaging for easy phagocytosis.

Single cell necrosis often occurs in areas of pathological over crowding of cells, inflammtion, toxic cell injury and within neoplasms. However, increasingly the death of neoplastic cells in tumours is recognized to be due to the process of apoptosis.

Haematoxylin & Eosin (x400)

In this section of liver a small number of cells can be seen which are hyper-eosinophilic and contain pyknotic nuclei. There is also a mild inflammatory response evident with increased numbers of Kupffer cells (hepatic macrophages) within the regionand sequestered neutrophils. This appearance is most consistent with single cell necrosis.

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