
Case 2:


A 2 year old Abyssinian cat presented with a 3 week long history of inappetence and lethargy. Physical examination revealed mild pallor of the oral mucous membranes and palpable hepatomegaly. Haematology and serum biochemistry revealed a mild regenerative anaemia and mild elevation of AST, ALT, GGT, ALP and bilirubin.

Prior to surgery, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) assays were performed to assess for any clotting factor deficiency attributable to liver dysfunction. The PT and APTT were normal.

At exploratory laparatomy, the liver was diffusely enlarged to a moderate degree, with rounding of all lobe borders. The parenchyma was diffusely pale, with an exaggerated zonal pattern. The parenchyma was also fragile and tore repeatedly during collection of a peripheral wedge biopsy.



This is a low power view of the cat’s liver. Note the mild undulation of the capsular surface. Central veins are dilated and the radiating cords of hepatocytes appear very narrow, especially in centrilobular zones.



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