
Skin incision 2 days:

The fibrin/blood clot has dried out to form a protective scab. The edges of the wound are slightly raised due to proliferating epidermal cells.

The fibrin clot has now dried and contracted to form a scab (S). Macrophages (M) are beginning to move in and replace the neutrophils as the dominant cell type and a thin band of epithelial cells (E) has begun to grow out to form a continuous epithelial sheet beneath the scab. Below this granulation tissue has begun to form, characterised by fibroblasts and early collagen fibres arranged at right angles to immature blood vessels.

Haematoxylin & Eosin (x400)

In underlying fat layer, intense inflammation is occurring. Mixture of neutrophils + macrophages are present.

Primary Intention
Second Intention
Granulation Tissue
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