
Secondary Wound:

2, 3 and 4 weeks following biopsy.


Haematoxylin & Eosin (x40)

A thin band of epithelium covers the area and the scab has fallen off. However a large area of granulation tissue can be seen beneath the surface(G). Contraction of myofibroblasts will gradually reduce the size of this region and greatly decrease the size of the resulting scar. Note wound contraction can only occur in regions of skin that are mobile and not stretched (ie usually the body trunk, not the legs and head where the skin is more tightly adherent to bones etc).

Trichrome Stain (x40)

The stain highlights the newly produced immature fibrous tissue which is laid down within the region of granulation tissue. Compare this volume of granulation tissue with that of a wound healing by primary intention.

Primary Intention
Second Intention
Granulation Tissue
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