
Epithelial Tumours:

A moderate to high cell yield can usually be obtained from epithelial neoplasms by fine needle aspiration. Cytologically, epithelial cells are of large size with a moderate to large volume of cytoplasm and the cells are typically exfoliated in clusters. In adenomas or well-differentiated adenocarcinomas, acinar cell arrays may be identifiable. Nuclear features are particularly valuable in distinguishing benign and malignant forms.

Bronchial adenocarcinoma cells in an aspirate smear of a pleural effusion in a dog.

What cytological features indicate an epithelial origin?


Case 1: Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Case 2: Basal Cell Carcinoma

Case 3: Sebaceous Adenoma

Case 4: Phaeochromocytoma



Epitehlial Tumours
Mesenchymal Tumours
Round Cell Tumors
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