About Us

The principle authors of the Virtual Veterinary Surgery program are:

Surgeons in sterile field
Dr Glenn Edwards

Dr Glenn Edwards BVSc. (Hons) 1979, Melb., MACVSc., was the Associate Professor and head of the small animal surgery section at the University of Melbourne’s Veterinary Clinical Centre at Werribee. Prior to his current position, Dr Edwards has held positions in private practice and within the biomedical industry.
He taught in all aspects of soft tissue surgery, but has a particular interest in wound healing and management, cardiovascular and urinary tract problems and research. He was also involved in a supervising a number of postgraduate students and has extensive involvement in continuing education programs for practicing veterinarians, in particular as an author and tutor in a distance education program in Surgery for the Postgraduate Foundation, Sydney University, and as a member of a multidisciplinary committee for the establishment of a graduate certificate in Wound Care with the Wound Foundation of Australia and Monash University.
Associate Professor Edwards was also the leader of the Surgical and Biomaterial Research Unit, School of Veterinary Science whose objective was to investigate and develop suitable animal models for a number of disease conditions and evaluation of biomaterial devices destined for both veterinary and human clinical use such as improved urinary tract and cardiovascular surgical procedures, vascular prostheses and more recently left ventricular assist devices.

Dr. Edwards has taken up a role at CSU as Professor and Head Of Small Animal Surgery.

Dr Guy Yates
Dr Guy Yates

Dr Guy Yates graduated, with honours, from the University of Queensland in 1994 and practiced for 5 years as a small animal clinician in south east Queensland.  He completed an internship in small animal surgery at the Northern Sydney Specialist Centre in 2000, a Master of Veterinary Studies through Murdoch University in 2001 and became a Member of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in Small Animal Surgery in 2002.
Guy completed a residency in small animal surgery at the University of Melbourne in 2006 and was Registrar and Head of Clinical Sciences in Small Animal Surgery at the University of Melbourne. He successfully completed his Fellowship of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in 2008. He is currently working in Private Practice.

Carol Bradley
Carol Bradley

Carol Bradley, Associate Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (RVC) has been with the Faculty of Veterinary Science for 32 years. For 28 of those, she was responsible for the co-ordination and management of the small and large operating theatres as well as the procurement and management of all surgical supplies, management of the central sterilizing services department {CSSD}, and surgical nursing staff in the Clinic & Hospital. In addition she was responsible for the delivery of Aseptic Technique practicals and assisted in the delivery of Introduction to Surgical Techniques.
Currently Carol is a Tutor in the delivery of practical instruction in the discipline of sterilization and processing, aseptic surgical preparation, and Introduction to Fundamental Surgical Procedures to 3rd year DVM students. She is also the Clinical Skills Centre Manager/Nurse Educator at the University of Melbourne, Faculty of Veterinary & Agricultural Science. She is active in presenting at nursing conferences and in-house education for veterinary nurses.. 
Her main interests are infection control, aseptic technique and Orthopaedic surgery.