Equipment Instruments
Unit 9: Basic Instruments
Topic 3: Table Set-Up
It is important to establish a standard instrument table "set-up" so that instruments can be found easily during the surgical procedure without wasting time searching for an instrument.
It is also important to replace instruments in their correct position on the instrument table when not in use. Do not use the body of the patient to hold instruments as they may slide off the patient onto the floor.

Link to download Surgical Operational procedure Instrument Layout- pdf (495Kb)
The "sterile field"
Patient preparation
Once the patient is adequately draped, the instrument table containing the unwrapped pack of instruments can be placed over, or immediately adjacent to the surgery table creating a "sterile field" which also includes the surgical team members.
The front of the gown from chest to table level and the sleeves from above the elbow to the cuff are considered sterile.
Care must be taken not to invade this sterile field by unprepared individuals or unsterile equipment.