
The “Virtual Veterinary Surgery” program will provide students a significant part of the content of the subject “Principles of Professional Practice VETS7007" in the teaching of the principles of surgery. The content of the program will therefore be fully examinable in this subject.

Surgical skills acquisition

The following skills will be performed within Surgical Practical Classes.

The "Virtual Vet" Surgery learning tool: is to be used in preparation for classes and revision prior to examination.

  • An ability to identify and use basic surgical instruments
  • An ability to perform a secure square knot (suture tie) with instruments
  • An ability to prepare yourself as a surgeon for aseptic surgery
  • proper use and application of both non-sterile and sterile barriers
  • An ability to prepare the patient for aseptic surgery
    • patient clip
    • skin preparation
    • draping
  • An ability to develop a “sterile field” and maintain it during a surgical procedure.
  • An ability to accurately report on a surgical procedure